Log error when delete Contact

When I delete Contact I have this error in log:

Fri Oct 24 02:31:29 2014 [32547][a2cc3e71-e86b-c13d-8800-543fbbaa0a18][FATAL] project_resource for projects_contacts_resources failed to load

Fri Oct 24 02:31:29 2014 [32547][a2cc3e71-e86b-c13d-8800-543fbbaa0a18][FATAL] error loading relationship project_resource

Is this ok?

When I delete Lead or Accounts there is no log error.

Hi Nevals,

Fatal errors tend to cause problems with the instance and normally you want to fix these errors because of this.

I dont recognise the relationship that it is looking for, have you any plugins installed ? have you tried repairing the relationships using the admin panel ?

Are you using SuiteCRM ?

I am using SuiteCRM Version 7.1.4 Sugar Version 6.5.18 (Build 1110)

I try repairing relationships but that did not help me.

I have one simple custom module but that module have relationships only with account, not with contact.


I have done a bit of digging and I can see the error now. I will look around a bit more and see if i can work out what is missing. I will update you if I get to the bottom of this.

I wouldnt worry as this appears to not cause any issues in any way.
