Loading Animation

Hello, where could I change the loading spinner that appears in the “Loading, please wait” within SuiteCRM?

Welcome to community!

Look at the file: ‘jssource/src_files/include/javascript/sugar_3.js’ and there code between lines:

// --- begin ajax status class
SUGAR.ajaxStatusClass = function () {
var ajaxStatus = new SUGAR.ajaxStatusClass();
// --- end ajax status class


I believe you can also replace it by adding an image to the /custom/themes/… directory

The loading spinner image seems to be located at:

So, you should be able to replace it if you add your .gif file in the location:

If this directory doesn’t exist, feel free to create it
Also, the file names will have to be the same, so your .gif will need to be named “img_loading.gif” to be picked up

Then, run a Quick Repair and Rebuild, and clear your Browser Cache

Let us know if you run into anything :slight_smile:

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I think that he want calculate time (1,2,3…). Oh, my mistake with english. It’s Friday :laughing:

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