ListView breaks after deleting relationship

I have two custom modules, which are connected by a 1:1 relationship that needs to be removed. The deletion of the this relationship in the primary module completes without error. When I then try to use the module, i.e. click via menu on the module to see the ListView that presents the records in this module, I get a small window saying ‘an error occurred’.
The window shows only the modules name and a link to the ‘Create’ functionality (which still works) but the rest is an entirely empty white page.

I attempted to do a

  • Quick-Repair
  • Rebuild relationships
  • re-deployed the ListView of the module
  • Reset the ListView and re-deployed it
  • checked that the .php of the deleted relationship under /custom/Extension/modules//Ext/Vardefs is indeed gone
  • Reset the entire module just to see if it is working again afterwards (it isn’t)

The full module reset resulted in the following error message

Does some have an idea how to fix this module?

I am working on Windows and I use SuiteCRM 7.11.4 (Sugar 6.5.25, Build 344).

Try this: Restart your web service and run QR&B when it comes back.

