I created a custom package, but I have a really weird problem.
Iâm using SuiteCrm 7.9.12.
The âList Viewâ hides some columns when used by Admin or Role âAâ, it shows all columns when used by Role âBâ.
It seems that the displayColumns variable has a different number of items based on the Role/User that is using the list view.
I added some debug information in the \themes\SuiteP\include\ListView\ListViewGeneric.tpl file and this is the situation:
Display Columns for Admin/Role A:
Array ( [width] => 78 [label] => LBL_NAME [default] => 1 [link] => 1 [type] => name [name] => name [vname] => LBL_NAME [dbType] => varchar [len] => 255 [unified_search] => [full_text_search] => Array ( [boost] => 3 ) [required] => [importable] => required [duplicate_merge] => disabled [merge_filter] => disabled [inline_edit] => 1 [duplicate_merge_dom_value] => 0 ) 1
Array ( [width] => 21 [label] => LBL_ASSIGNED_TO_NAME [module] => Employees [id] => ASSIGNED_USER_ID [default] => 1 [type] => relate [name] => assigned_user_name [link] => assigned_user_link [vname] => LBL_ASSIGNED_TO [rname] => user_name [reportable] => [source] => non-db [table] => users [id_name] => assigned_user_id [duplicate_merge] => disabled [massupdate] => ) 1
Display Columns for Admin/Role B:
Array ( [width] => 9 [label] => LBL_ASSIGNED_TO_NAME [module] => Employees [id] => ASSIGNED_USER_ID [default] => 1 [type] => relate [name] => assigned_user_name [link] => assigned_user_link [vname] => LBL_ASSIGNED_TO [rname] => user_name [reportable] => [source] => non-db [table] => users [id_name] => assigned_user_id [duplicate_merge] => disabled [massupdate] => ) 1
Array ( [width] => 35 [label] => LBL_NAME [default] => 1 [link] => 1 [type] => name [name] => name [vname] => LBL_NAME [dbType] => varchar [len] => 255 [unified_search] => [full_text_search] => Array ( [boost] => 3 ) [required] => [importable] => required [duplicate_merge] => disabled [merge_filter] => disabled [inline_edit] => 1 [duplicate_merge_dom_value] => 0 ) 1
Array ( [type] => varchar [default] => 1 [label] => LBL_CLIENTE_NOME [width] => 10 [inline_edit] => 1 [labelValue] => cliente nome [required] => [source] => custom_fields [name] => cliente_nome_c [vname] => LBL_CLIENTE_NOME [massupdate] => 0 [no_default] => [comments] => [help] => [importable] => true [duplicate_merge] => disabled [duplicate_merge_dom_value] => 0 [audited] => [reportable] => 1 [unified_search] => [merge_filter] => disabled [len] => 255 [size] => 20 [id] => SINIS_Segnalazionecliente_nome_c [custom_module] => SINIS_Segnalazione ) 1
Array ( [type] => varchar [default] => 1 [label] => LBL_CLIENTE_COGNOME [width] => 10 [inline_edit] => 1 [labelValue] => cliente cognome [required] => [source] => custom_fields [name] => cliente_cognome_c [vname] => LBL_CLIENTE_COGNOME [massupdate] => 0 [no_default] => [comments] => [help] => [importable] => true [duplicate_merge] => disabled [duplicate_merge_dom_value] => 0 [audited] => [reportable] => 1 [unified_search] => [merge_filter] => disabled [len] => 255 [size] => 20 [id] => SINIS_Segnalazionecliente_cognome_c [custom_module] => SINIS_Segnalazione ) 1
Array ( [type] => varchar [default] => 1 [label] => LBL_ CLIENTE_TARGA [width] => 10 [inline_edit] => 1 [labelValue] => cliente targa [required] => [source] => custom_fields [name] => cliente_targa_c [vname] => LBL_ CLIENTE_TARGA [massupdate] => 0 [no_default] => [comments] => [help] => [importable] => true [duplicate_merge] => disabled [duplicate_merge_dom_value] => 0 [audited] => [reportable] => 1 [unified_search] => [merge_filter] => disabled [len] => 255 [size] => 20 [id] => SINIS_Segnalazionecliente_targa_c [custom_module] => SINIS_Segnalazione ) 1
Array ( [type] => relate [link] => 1 [label] => LBL_MODIFIED_NAME [id] => MODIFIED_USER_ID [width] => 10 [default] => 1 [module] => Users [name] => modified_by_name [vname] => LBL_MODIFIED [reportable] => [source] => non-db [rname] => user_name [table] => users [id_name] => modified_user_id [duplicate_merge] => disabled [massupdate] => [inline_edit] => ) 1
Array ( [type] => datetime [label] => LBL_DATE_ENTERED [width] => 10 [default] => 1 [options] => date_range_search_dom [name] => date_entered [vname] => LBL_DATE_ENTERED [group] => created_by_name [comment] => Date record created [enable_range_search] => 1 [inline_edit] => ) 1
You can see that the number of available colums is really different.
What can I do in order to have the same number of columns in the List View for all the users ?