Links to the website urls without http://

Hi, often by hand is easy to write a url like: instead of , and I discovered that if I write the urls without http or https in front ot the url, then the link is goign to http://www.SUITECRM/ instead of . I think that it is a bug, and vtigercrm was having the same (and bigger) bug too, till few years ago.

Can you please provide more details to replicate this?

Here a video should explain better of my words:

Confirmed that too in the demo.
When inline changing a URL on a account field, then confirm to save.
If you click the new URL it gets this prefix

as in

But if you refresh the page its ok!
Also if you do not use the inline edit (use the full edit view) then no problem too.
So this is a bug!

Thank you for confirming, Can you please post this on GitHub? :slight_smile:
