Linking Leads to Accounts

Hello everyone!

Can “Leads” be linked to an account name in the same way contacts can?
In leads you can change the Account name but doesnt “link” it to an existing one. However, in Contacts you can link them.


Hi @Yar

Leads can be converted to Contacts and Accounts under the Actions Menu on the upper right.

In the search box, when you enter the Lead Name, the result will show the Lead, the Contact and the Account.

While you convert this Lead, at the bottom right, additionally you can create: an Opportunity , a Note, a Log Call, Scheduling a Meeting and a Task.

Thanks for your response @domiserver . Yes, we understand that. But is it possible to link leads to an account without converting it?

Hi @Yar

View the ACCOUNT you want to link the LEAD.
“Select which subpanels to view”. In this instance LEADS.

In the Actions Menu on the right side of the panel, select Create or Link.

Thanks for your reply @domiserver . Thanks. It doesnt seem to be possible from the “Account Name” field from within the lead. While you can do it in “Account Name” field within the Contact.

Thanks close enough, thanks!

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There is some sort of Leads-Accounts relationship, but it’s not standard.

(you’ll find some background reading here)

I think you can just add a new relationship in Studio to get a full-blown relationship with a subpanel.

Thanks for your input @pgr