Link in Admin System section using manifest.php

Hi, Iā€™m working on creating an installable package file, nearly completed. I canā€™t find any documentation on how to create a link in the Admin section of Suite, System area that links to a custom module, exactly the way that the OAuth entry works - any pointers to code greatly appreciated

anyone? Surely this must be fairly simple to accomplish? I have seen information like the following:

ā€˜administrationā€™ =>
ā€˜fromā€™ => ā€˜/administration/mycustommodule_adminoption.phpā€™,

but NO information on what is contained in the referenced php file? What specifies the section that the code is added to, what code is in the file?

Any assistance/example code gratefully accepted

For anyone that scrolls through these forums endlessly and seldom finds an answer or gets a reply, I managed to find the following, place this code in your manifest.php

ā€˜administrationā€™=> array(

Create something like the following in your administration.ext.php file and place it in the menus folder of your module files/folder structure

$admin_option_defs[ā€˜Your Moduleā€™][ā€˜blah blahā€™]= array(ā€˜Configuration Settingsā€™,ā€˜LBL_YOUR_SECTIONā€™,ā€˜LBL_YOUR_RELEASEā€™,ā€™./index.php?module=YourModule&action=indexā€™);
$admin_group_header[]= array(ā€˜LBL_MODULE_TITLEā€™,ā€™ā€™,false,$admin_option_defs, ā€˜LBL_MODULE_DESCā€™);

Donā€™t forget your language files for all the labels etc. It will create a clickable link in the Admin page. I have no idea if this is the ā€˜correctā€™ manner to do this, however, it works and I havenā€™t found any other source materials associated with this function

Cheers and good luck

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