Link Color Contrast

The basic link color is #F08377, which has a very low contrast for a white background and even worse on the darker gray in lists (#f5f5f5). It makes it uncomfortable to try to read even with perfect eye sight.

Simply moving the slider to the darker color delivers a more readable alternative #D82B18. I am totally fine if you prefer any other color, but please make sure the contrast is high enough. You can easily check alternative colors on the accessibility check by WebAIM: WebAIM: Contrast Checker

Hi @jschoder-ryl

You’re right that the contrast with the link color (#F08377) can be hard to read. To easily adjust colors for better contrast in SuiteCRM, you can use a theme builder extension. It allows you to change field colors and other elements to your preferred shades for better visibility and accessibility, without needing to code.

For instance, you could set the link color to something like #D82B18, which would improve readability.

Hope that helps!

I used such a plugin for our system, so it isn’t an urgent issue for us. However I believe a high contrast text should be the standard rather than requiring manual intervention.