Line items not showing after upgrade in quotes


I have upgraded today from sugarcrm 6.5 to SuiteCRM version 7.1 one the upgrade went very smooth. The only issues i have come across by today that i am missing in the quotes module the button add line item and the button add group. I had aos 5.0.1 installed.

Also the layout in is funny in the detailed view, existing line items line out in the cluster in the grand total.

I just want to reset the template to default if possible how to do this.

Thanks a lot

Hi Erik,

Please navigate to Admin -> System Settings -> Configure AJAX User Interface and drag Quotes/Invoices to disabled.

Please navigate to Admin -> Repair and perform a Quick Repair & Rebuild.

Please post back on results.

Please post screen shots of all relevant issues.



thanks fast! shows up perfectly now.
Keep up the good work