Let's get some attention!

Hello everyone,

:wave: If you’re a developer who has contributed to SuiteCRM by fixing bugs or addressing issues, but your changes haven’t been merged into the main SuiteCRM repository yet, this is your chance! :rocket:

Please take a moment to reply to this post and share the link to your GitHub pull request (PR). Let’s rally together and give those important fixes the attention they deserve! :raised_hands:

Remember, every contribution counts, and your PR could make a significant impact in the next release. So don’t hesitate—share those links! :star2:

Thank you for being part of the SuiteCRM community! :handshake:


Please share links :link: in the reply.

Simple typo in the documentation. I am very interested in being a part of this community as I revive my LAMP skills in order to implement SuiteCRM.

Suggested by pgr

There are 2 more instances of that word with the wrong spelling in the same file, while you’re at it, you might as well fix them all :slight_smile:

Thank you

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OK, changes made to the file in my repo. Now I need to figure out if those are automatically seen (unlikely) or exactly what I have to do next. Thanks for your speed response.

I think, you need to push your code again to see those update on your PR.