Still, we have the dreaded “undefined”, in the messages so you never know what this message was saying, and all they say you have bad privleges. Still, you have the dollar sign in opportunities though the opportunity is in another currency and this is unchangeable. Still you have dashlets that can have their add button disappear and there is no way to bring it back. Still you have many of the things i left SuiteCRM for 12 years ago, and now after installing it, they seem to be a legacy that SuiteCRM keeps!
Why not have somebody who understands Linux permissions do the installation for you?
The “undefined” thing is not a small matter. It means your operating system is configured in a way to not let SuiteCRM write files. This is absolutely a requirement for SuiteCRM to work correctly. That one problem explains many further problems that you find out later.
Some parts of SuiteCRM v8 are actually called “legacy”. The home page with the dashlets is one of them. Unfortunately, there’s no money to hire more developers to work on all modules faster. If you can help hire one or you’re interested in funding the development of the new v8 home page, we can talk.
from all that I typed there, nothing gapped your attention but the “undefined” thingy?
Actually, I am a veteran developer, and there were so many ways to build those message boxes other than a way to depend on your file system!
anyways, thanks.