Hi All
I have created a email parser, which dissects emails and created a lead from an email…so far so good. This is doe via a PHP prog, which inserts the data directly into the suitecrm Leads database and the contacts database (which have the same fields)
I did this so that I can send template emails to clients using the leads/contacts/target, and it all works like a dream. However…
When I convert a lead to a contact, I can use the worfkflow to do trigger something, when i do a insert to the db, the workflow stays quiet. so there must (oviously) be a field in the database which conects a lead to a contact, sothat the workflow gets triggerd, but i cant figure out which one.
So far i know that I have to create the contacts.id = email_addr_bean_rel.bean_id.
The email_addr_bean_rel.email_adress_id =email_addresses.id
the thing i do not know is how to conect the contact ID to the Lead ID so that I can use the cron
any help would be appreciated !