So when SuiteCRM sends out the lead assignment email it encodes a ‘review this lead’ link. For some reason it is using an unencrypted http with ip address rather than encrypted with fqdn.
rather than
Where do I change this?
Running on AWS using Bitnami stack on Ubuntu 16.0.4 and SuiteCRM 7.10.2 Screenshot attached.
two places either one you can opt.
Change the config file where to
Edit the PDF template of corresponding mail. Its available under Email -> Create PDF template. replace the url at the end .
Where is the config file fomhat swing? This particular email is system generated by a php file, which variable. I can’t seem to find where that {URL} variable is set.
In root directory config.php ( is the config file) .you have variable site_url=>’’. Then repair and rebuild.
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Awesome and thank you! Found. Fixed. Saved and tested! Much appreciated.