Lead as User Or (Account)

My Company wants to achieve a simple Usecase.

Every Lead that is created needs to get an username password which will take the user to look at its related tasks.
Later when the Lead is converted to Account Still the same username/password should work.
Now any contact created under that account should should behave like a user who can look at any details about its account only.

Is it doable. i am kind of stuck how to start it. but seems to be a common usecase for most of the Business. any milestones. inputs would be highly appreciated

Thanks in advance

Hi Pravin,

Is this all required in SuiteCRM? Or are you interacting with other applications?

Can you provide more details?



Hi Will,
I am currently in a process of evaluating SuiteCRM For our requirements,also have access to SecuritySuite of SugarOutfitters, and Process Manager (Sierra CRM). With no licensing structure unlike “Salesforce”

Looking for a solutions to an Event Management Company, Where Agents, Customers, vendors, contractors have their login access to thier information and CRM & ERP Platform works as the base to all this information.

I may have to customize the whole app for cases module to our modules keeping the architecture intact (Base).
