LDAP Error : Extensions not loaded

Dear All,

i have already setting LDAP in SugarCRM and it works.

but when i setting this in SuiteCRM i get an error.
“LDAP Error : Extensions not loaded”

i use SuiteCRM in windows.

can anybody help me to solve this error?


Hi riair,

Which version of SugarCRM CE were you utilising LDAP on? SuiteCRM is built on SugarCRM 6.5.16 and there have been no changes which would affect the LDAP integration.



Hi Will,

i used 2 version of SugarCRM.

i have already set LDAP Setting in Linux for SugarCRM CE 6.5.16 and it works well.
and in windows for SugarCRM CE 6.5.5 and then i upgrade to SuiteCRM 7.1.1 by twice upgrade.
first upgrade from 6.5.x to 7.0.x, and then 7.0.x to 7.1.1

but when i set LDAP, and try to Login, i get this error.
what step that i do wrong that makes my LDAP setting can’t work well in SuiteCRM on windows?


I would think this means that the php ldap module is not installed or is not being loaded

Hi Matt,

so how should i do to fix this problem?

because i have tried install new SugarCRM 6.5.5 and upgrade to Sugar 6.5.16 on windows
and LDAP setting still did not work.


check if php ldap is installed on your server and check that it is enabled

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hi matt,

how i check php ldap is installed on my server and enabled or not?
i have no idea how to check it.


In IIS Manager open PHP Manager and then click on “Enable or disable an extension”. In the disabled section look for php_ldap.dll, if there, right click and chose “Enable”. If not there you will need to download the appropriate dll for your configuration and add it.

dear All,

sorry for late response.

this problem have solved.
i must copy libeay32.dll, libsasl.dll, and ssleay32.dll to folder c:/windows/system32.

thanks for reply and help me to solve this trouble.


Typically, if you add your php directory ( and maybe subdirectories) into the windows path environment settings, you won’t have to dump random files into */system32/. Also, make sure your php extensions directory path is configured correctly in the php.ini.