LBL_ACTION_ERR while installing suitecrm 8.6.1

Hey, I am getting ā€˜LBL_ACTION_ERRā€™ while installing suitecrm 8.6.1.

This is my graphql api response, and I donā€™t why I am getting the internal server error

" 1. {errors: [{debugMessage: ā€œProcess options is not definedā€, message: ā€œInternal server errorā€,ā€¦}],ā€¦}

  1. data: {createProcess: null}
  2. errors: [{debugMessage: ā€œProcess options is not definedā€, message: ā€œInternal server errorā€,ā€¦}]"

Hello Umair,

itā€™s usually more related to your server setup and environment than to SuiteCRM.

I assume, your setup matches the compatibilty matrix?

Make sure to get the permissions right:

especially, if your webserver username differs from the group name - it happens on some webhosts.

If that still doesnā€™t solve the issue, check your virtual host settings like document root and mod_rewrite.

Out of curiosity:
Where are you trying to install SuiteCRM?
Shared webhost? VPS? Root access? LAMP setup?

I am trying to install it in winodws through waamp

It seems as if it is possible, but itā€™s not officially compatible.

Try to move to a supported environment to have a no-headache installation experience.

On Windows, Iā€™m not sure - you could try to check your rewrites, your vhost settings and your configured domain (+ the hosts file) as well as checking your installation log file ( logs/install.log ) and the other log files ( public/legacy/suitecrm.log as well as your PHP / webserver logfile ).

Just a hint:
Iā€™m using VirtualBox to install SuiteCRM.
You can easily install Linux in a VBox and try it there.