I am trying to install a translation module following the installation of SuiteCRM but I always have an error message: a manifest.php file is missing in the zip file. Unable to continue.
However, I checked that the file is present in the zip folder.
Can you help me please
Sometimes this happens when people try uploading an installer package as an upgrade, or an upgrade as a module, etc. - the wrong kind of package in the wrong place.
You can also simply try re-downloading it, the file might be corrupt.
Thank you for your reply.
I am on mac and I wonder if this is not the problem however I followed the installation procedure.
It still does not workThank you for your reply.
I am on mac and I wonder if this is not the problem however I followed the installation procedure.
It still does not work
I just tried with the French and Spanish pack and I have the same problem.
For information, I use a Mac and MAMP.
I don’t know if that’s the problem
Make sure you turn off display_errors in your php.ini and restart web server. Having this on will spit out PHP messages into the least obvious places - it can break SuiteCRM in endless ways. So it’s a nice thing to try.
I have the same problem, I am also from a Mac, download the Spanish file, I am trying to install it from Admin -> Module Loader and it gives me the same error.
I am working from a mac and Safari, when a compressed file is downloaded it is automatically unzipped but I think this was affecting the package since I had to unzip it again and the original file was going to a garbage can, because this time I went to the trash can. and moved it; and use that original file and it worked without any problem.
I leave the link where the package goes.