Is there a way to get a PDF template to render in landscape instead of portrait? I am looking to do this for only a specific uote I am generating, and not other invoices or other PDF templates.
Hi there,
There is not currently a way to do this without modifying the code.
HI Will,
Thanks for the response. Is there any resources you know of that you can pass to me that would show how to make this code change properly/not hacking the core files?
Hi there,
You can add custom generatePdf/formletter.php files to the AOS_PDF_Templates module and modify these to produce a landscape document without hacking the original files.
I know it’s an old thread but i’d like to let new users know that we, Lion Solution as SuiteCRM partner, developed and gave to the community as little contribution to the SuiteCRM project an addon that does it:
If you want to download it from the Labs and use it, you’re most welcome!
You could set the “Landscape” format in each Report. By the way: it’s upgrade safe.
We tested it on version 7.10.14 and 7.10.27
If you could give us any feedback about compatibility with other versions, it would be fantastic.
@LionSolution thanks.
How is this different from this PR? It looks to already provide landscape functionality…
Hi @pgr, thank you.
The result is the same. We just added a custom controller to make it upgrade safe.
Why is this PR not yet available in SuiteCRM?
Good question. Have you checked in a 7.11 version? The merge seems to have gone to the hotfix branch…