Knowledge Base Tiny MCE

Hi there,
I am new, just getting set up.
I cannot get my Knowledge Base records working correctly - or I don’t understand correctly.
I have tried it on the demo site too where the same issues occur.
The KBA formats as html whether draft or public/published.
The editor is the Tiny editor unlike the editor shown in the wiki.
Am I missing something? Is this just broken?
Any help appreciated.

What is broken?


I think WYSIWYG field usually looks like that detail view. Maybe I am wrong.

But I could see some errors in the console.

On 7.x, it is working.

When you enter article content into the demo site (via the Tiny editor) and save as Public/Published, does your content appear only as html? This is true for me on the demo site and my own instance.

I also tried on the demo instance.

If you don’t see any issue on the GitHub, you could raise one.

Raise an issue

Check code files:
Tiny editor

I get a different editor on the demo.
Same as the one in my instance.
This is SuiteCRM 8

Yeah, 8.x versions; it is showing like this and giving errors on the browser console. :face_with_head_bandage:

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Okay – it’s just my luck to stumble into an issue as a newbie and spend 2 days thinking it was me!
I will move on to other areas for now to set up and comprehend.
I appreciate you confirming this for me very much.
Hopefully an update/patch will correct this section in the future.