Just Migrated to 8.2.4 -- How do we Convert Prospects to Leads !?

Just did the migration from 7.13.3 to 8.2.4 and am confirming things work as expected however I’m not seeing the Action to convert a Target/Prospect into a Lead !?

What am I missing here?

This solution does not seem to work: SuiteCRM 8 Convert Lead Button Missing - #3 by pstevens

I don’t believe you can convert a Target to a lead. I think this is a bug. Doesn’t work for me either.

Just bumped it in github – this is a pretty critical component of handling a sales pipeline efficiently, so much so we are reverting back to 7.13.x for now…

Theres alot of little things like that. You might wane to copy your 7 installation to a subdomain. Upgrade it there and test all your business processes before migration to 8 in your production environment.

That’s exactly what we did – cloned the VM that holds the V7 instance and then did the upgrade on it so both instances are online at the moment.

I’ll probably do a de novo install of V8 on a new VM at somepoint and check again – if that actually works we could consider migrating the data over via API…

Speaking of which whole /legacy/ directory structure is a bit awkward to say the least – why wouldn’t they just keep the API endpoints the same???

Any progress or a how to on the Github workaround i.e., “As a temporary workaround you could tell the detail view to use the legacy mod which will present you with the old views allowing you to use such action. This can be done via the layout config file. If you’d like more information, please let me know and I can put together a short how to.”

To change a view to legacy mode:

Edit and add your custom modules here :
Set record to false
Admin, Repair and Rebuild.

index: true
list: true
record: false

Will it still work if we jump from SuiteCRM 7.14 to 8.5?

@rsp I believe the issue is that this feature is not developed on SuiteCRM 8 at all, regardless of what version you upgrade from. The suggested work around is to revert the Targets module in SuiteCRM to legacy mode which would all you to use the conversion feature. (I haven’t tested it myself, I’m only going by the thread above).

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as far as I can understand, Target Conversion is re-established in v. 8.7 SuiteCRM 8.7 Released! (but we upgraded and it does not appears as an option)