Just installed need to test API

Hello, just installed 7.10.8 – went well enough.

How do I test the API? I tried with PostMan, but even with right credentials/passwords, not getting responses.

Just need to see that the API gives a token and all is well.


One of our developers has been working on the API, there are some changes getting committed now, and a few more to come. Probably the next release will evolve the API significantly. So maybe you’re better off waiting a bit, or keeping an eye on GitHub to see what is happening.

Thanks so much for a quick and honest reply PGR – most appreciated!

I’ve been going nuts trying to understand why the /lib/API/OAuth2/ endpoint just ain’t working – basically returning 404 errors on access_token, v8, etc.

Could you possibly take a guess at a timeline ? Or would you happen to know of a developer who I could spend 5 minutes with who has the API working with 7.10.8 ?

Thanks so much PGR!


From what I’ve been seeing here on the forums, there are a good number of people trying to use the API, but their issues aren’t getting many answers (I am unable to help).

This is not a good moment to document the API, since changes are being made. It is possible that the new version comes out soon, say, one or two weeks, but this is just a hunch, not promised in any way.

You can check the advances here


and if you’re feeling adventurous you can even grab the code and try it and report bugs. Thanks and sorry for the uncertainties of the moment.

Look, not an issue PGR, and thanks for checking into it.

They’re smart to put effort into the API now – SuiteCRM is ideal for many applications.

Will keep an eye on progress!

