Jjwg_maps_xxx_c custom fields

In a brand new pristine installation of the latest SuiteCRM, I find (in accounts, cases, contacts, leads, meetings, opportunities, project, prospects) the following fields


and they and up with “_c” which, by definition, should mark custom added fields. I guess it refers to the Google Suite Integration, which we do not use (and not have any plan to use it).

There are also the following tables

CREATE TABLE `jjwg_maps` (
CREATE TABLE `jjwg_maps_audit` (
CREATE TABLE `jjwg_maps_jjwg_areas_c` (
CREATE TABLE `jjwg_maps_jjwg_markers_c` (

Is there a way to remove all of this, that for us is just noise? (does it make sense to do it?)

That module was an external module by a 3rd party developer, then it was generously donated to SuiteCRM. The developer however, isn’t active on this anymore, and hasn’t responded to contacts from several people, including me, if I recall correctly.

Ideally that should all be cleaned up by moving into core, but it’s extensive work (that add-on touches many modules) and nobody has done yet.

I’d more careful if you have plans to clean it up in the sense of “deleting references to it”. You need to make sure you don’t break something…

thanks, I’ve got it: we leave it there.