Issues inside CRM

Installed suiteCRM recently and I’ve been having weird issues inside it, how can I fix these.

you can stop these issue from affecting you by updating your php.ini not to display errors, or change the level it displays to only show critical errors, as all you are really getting is warnings and notices,

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Where is this ini located if I might ask?


create a text file with this content


Save it in the root of sugarcrm as : phpinfo.php

point url tp http://sugarcrm/phpinfo.php

and in the result, you can find where php.ini is located.


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So… i’ve created phpinfo.php with the content you said. Now, the root of crm is the folder where I installed it correct? Also what do you mean by point url tp ? Sorry for my ignorance, kinda new at this, learning as I go.

yes, the root folder is where you installed.
you must open a web navigator (IE, Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari) … en type the URL of your suitecrm like :
http://mycrm/index.php = suitecrm.
http://mycrm/phpinfo.php = the url of the file you create… and there you will see the location of the php.ini


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Let me guide you through my process:

  1. Created a directory inside /public_html called /crm
  2. Extracted SuiteCRM inside it
  3. used
  4. installed it
  5. created phpinfo.php with the same exact lines as you said
  6. uploaded it to /crm
  7. Went to

Are my steps correct? When i go to that last url, all I get is a fully blank page

Nevermind, I fixed it. Instead of following your steps i just logged into WHM and changed php.ini there

The simplest way to know php.ini location is to just type in a command-line

php -i

which outputs a lot of useful information.
You can grep it to get the ini location:

php -i | grep php.ini

or the php version:

php -i | grep Version