Issues after upgrading from 7.14.4 to 8.6.1 - missing formatting in HTML

After doing the upgrade from 7.14.4 to 8.6.1, I am getting a page with no formatting. The Admin pages seems okay but all the rest or not displaying properly.

Iā€™ve run composer install in the folder ā€¦/suitecrm8/public and in ā€¦/suitecrm8/public/legacy
Iā€™ve run the ā€œQuick Repair and Rebuildā€ but nothing has helped.

See attached screenshot for the issue:

Set permissions:


I ran:

sudo find . -type d -not -perm 2755 -exec chmod 2755 {} \;
sudo find . -type f -not -perm 0644 -exec chmod 0644 {} \;
sudo find . ! -user www-data -exec chown www-data:www-data {} \;
sudo chmod +x bin/console

But that didnā€™t seem to help.

Iam running PHP7.4 but the docs says: ā€œSuiteCRM 8.6 is the last SuiteCRM version that php 7.4 will be considered for.ā€

What system youā€™re using?
I think you need PHP among these: PHP 8.1, 8.2

Iā€™m using ubuntu with PHP 7.14

I think you should try PHP 8.1 or 8.2 on your ubuntu.

I canā€™t at the moment as some sites can only run on PHP 7.4

The weird thing Iā€™m not getting any errors anywhere - Not in the logs or on the browser console

Okay! Then, check your ownership. Were you using www-data for your 7.14 version?

Iā€™ve updated ownership and permissions multiple times as per this (while in /var/www/suitecrm8/):

sudo find . -type d -not -perm 2755 -exec chmod 2755 {} \;
sudo find . -type f -not -perm 0644 -exec chmod 0644 {} \;
sudo chown www-data:www-data 

And YES I was using www-data for your 7.14 version

Before randomly resetting ownerships and permissions try to look for files where the ownership and permissions are actually wrong. This would be a sign that that is actually your problem, and if it is, it can be solved. Ownerships and permissions shouldnā€™t degrade on a correctly configured server.

Do we have to set these under config.php or these are set by suitecrm?


They were not randomly reset but rather following the upgrade guide which tells you to reset them. SuiteCRM 7.12.x+ migration to SuiteCRM 8.x :: SuiteCRM Documentation

The logs do not show me any errors, yet my page does not render correctly as per screenshot above Issues after upgrading from 7.14.4 to 8.6.1 - missing formatting in HTML

Check browserā€™s console or network tabs. Do you have anything in red there?

Nothing in Red or an error. Only two warnings about ā€œdeprecated features usedā€.

The weird thing is that the login and the Admin pages all seem fine???

After trying rebuild everything, I did get this error in the public/legacy/suitecrm.log

Tue Aug  6 18:18:44 2024 [93147][1][FATAL] Exception handling in /var/www/suitecrm8/public/legacy/include/MVC/Controller/SugarController.php:397
Tue Aug  6 18:18:44 2024 [93147][1][FATAL] Exception in Controller:
Tue Aug  6 18:18:45 2024 [93149][1][FATAL] Exception handling in /var/www/suitecrm8/public/legacy/include/MVC/Controller/SugarController.php:397
Tue Aug  6 18:18:45 2024 [93149][1][FATAL] Exception in Controller:

By ā€œrandomlyā€ I meant that you are giving a command that changes thousands of files without first diagnosing whether there was actually a problem there, and in which file that problem was, and why.

The guide tells you to reset them initially, it doesnā€™t tell you that you need to keep doing it over and over. Degrading ownerships and permissions are always a sign of a badly configured server or badly executed maintenance. But it is not easy to get right, so itā€™s a very common problem.

About your logs, did you also check php_errors.log?

I enabled the php errors.log and no errors are being reported. I even created a test script with an error to make sure the reporting is working.

Any other ideas where to look for errors?

Sorry for the basic question, but I need to make sure - did you remember to run the upgrade-finalize step?

Other than that, if your installation is very broken, and you mention that you ran composer install, thereā€™s a simple thing you can do to eliminate that as a potential cause of trouble. Download the full installer for your version, and use the vendor directory inside that zip.


  • rename your current vendor directory to something like vendor.BAK
  • unzip the full installer
  • copy the vendor directory in its entirety to your installation

Also do these steps for public/legacy/vendor

Reset ownerships and permissions if you broke them by running these commands as the wrong user. And now try the system again, see if it works, or at least, if you now have errors in logs. Good luck