I am trying to build a pdf programmaticaly. To create a pdf, I first call the contructor:
$pdf = new Sugarpdf($bean=null, $sugarpdf_object_map=[], $orientation=‘L’, $unit=‘mm’, $format=‘A4’, $unicode=true, $encoding=‘UTF-8’, $diskcache=false);
I get the message: TCPDF ERROR: Could not include font definition file: helvetica (and die)
Helvetica is the default font.
I tried putting fonts in different font folders (the documentation is not very explicit)
I am using version 7.9.4
Thank you for the information. It will be useful to define default option.
But this doesn’t solve my problem.
The Sugar documentation only says in which folder to put new fonts (including Helvetica), which I did.
But the problem is that I cannot begin building a new pdf since the default font helvetica is not detected, and the Sugar doc says nothing about this.
I try getting the info in the TCPDF documentation, but up to now I didn’t find.
Hi! I’m having the same problem with a fresh suitecrm installation. I can’t generate a pdf because the same issue, somebody can help me?
Thanks in advance!