Issue with links from search to project in SuiteCRM 8

First of all, congratulations to the SuiteCRM team, great work.

I don´t know if there are any bug with some links in Suitecrm. I am testing hardly in order to use as my only crm and when I do a search, from homepage for example, the results show me all the projects that matches, but when a click in the link of the project there are no result, the page remains blank and with no information. (It happens with any link and module).

Some help will be great appreciated and thank you.

Have you tried it on SuiteCRM demo
It does work for me. Even in my local as well.

And BTW, which version of SuiteCRM are you testing?

I have installed 8.1.3. I tried demo and works fine, so is local problem.

I am trying to reset permissions and see.

Thank you.

I can’t understand what happens. I clear cache, reset permissions, reinstall 8.1.3 and if I use Chrome tools gives me error like this and the trouble persists.

Uncaught DOMException: Blocked a frame with origin “” from accessing a cross-origin frame. polyfills-es2015.ed2…dff971f067e061.js:1
at Eb.triggerPageChange (….js:40:68359)
at s. (….js:1:31352)
at u.invokeTask (….js:1:7770)
at t.runTask (….js:1:3166)
at invokeTask (….js:1:8820)
at invoke (….js:1:8722)
at n.args. (….js:1:31065)

I have the same Problem with 8.2 in Bitnami Docker - and the same error appears at the offical demo:

Uncaught DOMException: Blocked a frame with origin “” from accessing a cross-origin frame.

Search for a name and then click on an entry of the search result

This is a real pain, with each update new errors get introduced.

I was having the same issue with my instance. What fixed it was adding the following lines to public/legacy/config_overrides.php:

$sugar_config['site_url'] = 'YOUR_SITE_URL';
$sugar_config['host_name'] = 'YOUR_SITE_HOSTNAME';
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In my case, I had not changed the values of site_url and host_name in config.php. By placing the correct values the functionality worked properly