Issue with fields customs in SuiteCRM


I’ve migrated the database structure to a new virtual machine with suitecrm.

The version of suitecrm in the two structures is the same (Version 7.11.15)

The problem is that in the database, I have custom fields in the accounts_cstm tables but I can’t see those fields in the suitecrm studio.

How can I update those custom fields in suitecrm?

Thank you

You should copy the appropriate custom files from original version suitecrm to new version. Look at directory “custom”.


I copied the same Suitecrm directory that had those custom fields.

In the old suitecrm I see those custom fields

In the migrated suitecrm I don’t see them but they are in the database

I don’t know what to do to update it in the migrated SUITECRM

Then do “repair and rebuild” .