Issue with after-save logic hooks

i have customized subpanel using the above link. But i am unable to get parent id in after-save logic hook in sub-panel.
Please help me how can i find the parent id. Since after doing customizations in subpanel, my relationship table doesnt have the entry of parent module id.


In which module are you in?

I mean

  • you are in a detail view of which module?
  • you are in a subpanel showing records of which other module?
  • the parent you’re trying to reach is which module?

Hello Pgr thanks for quick reply. I have made custom module called skill.
So i am in detail view of my custom module “Skill”.
The subpanel has to show record of module:" Competence Centre Skill Assign"

My parent module is “Skill”.
Both the modules are custom modules.

I am trying to assign skills to resources. Once i assign a competence centre to a resource, all the skills associated with that competence centre , get assigned to the resource. I want to display the Skills assigned in groups of competence Centre.

So basically my skill module is the parent module, that in subpanel shows Competence centre and skills assigned .
I made customization using the link in the title so that the subpanel shows Competence centre 1 and then all the skills associated to it. Then shows Competence Centre 2 and then all skills associated to it.

But the issue is that subpanel customization is done but there is no relationship getting created in relationship table between “Skill Module” and " Competence Centre Skill Assign module". I am trying to see if i can get parent ID of skill module so that i can create an entry in relationship table. I am in after_save logic hook of “Competence_Centre_Skill_Assign” module.

I don’t fully understand what you wrote, but the basic idea would be to use $bean->load_relationship to load the related beans. You might have to do a couple of these, if they are not related between themselves.

Another option is to get a direct SQL query that delivers the results you want and use a subpanel based on that query, see