Issue when trying to use the get_entries (API v4_1)


I’m facing an issue when I’m trying to use the get_entries method of the v4_1 API.
I am able to use the login method to retrieve my sessionID. I use the Advanced Rest Client (ARC) to test my rest request.

It’s a post request with http://{{my_IP}}/{{my_SuiteCRM_path}}/service/v4_1/rest.php in URL.
In the headers, I put Content-Type->application/x-www-form-urlencoded, Accept->application/json (see image below).
In the body, I put method->get_entries, input_type->JSON, response_type->JSON, rest_data->{“session”:“{{my_Session_ID}}”,“module_name”:“Contacts”,“select_fields”:[“id”,“first_name”,“last_name”]}.

The request doesn’t work. It says 500 Internal Server Error : the response contains no body.

Can you explain to me what I’m doing wrong ?

SuiteCRM version : 7.13.4
Software : Advance Rest Client

Please mention your php version
If it’s php8+ try changing it to php7.4 to see if it works.
There have been a couple of issues posted here of API v4_1 and php8+

Well, I change the php version to php7.4 and it still does the same for the method get_entries. By the way, I also tried the get_entry_list and it returns a 200 response status with null body so not ok too.
What I’m trying to do is to get all the id, first_name and last_name of all my contacts.

Please look in the SuiteCRM.log and php error log for more information regarding what is crashing

In my log I have a [ERROR] End: SugarWebServiceImpl->get_entry_list - FAILED on checkSessionAndModuleAccess
I don’t have anymore information. I use the Admin user to get the session ID from login method so I do have the right to access to the basic modules like contacts so I don’t know why it failed.
On php, I have an Undefined property User::$default_team, Undefined index wl_list_max_entries_per_page and Undefined index wl_list_max_entries_per_subpanel in SugarWebServiceImplv4.php.
I suspect maybe is the authentication that failed. Do I have to pass the session_id in headers or in the arguments ?