Hi everyone.
I’m having a problem in the local environment using vagrant with SuiteCRM 8.6.1 and PHP 7.3. After creating a certain amount of custom modules, it throws the following error in the console and everything stops working:
This seems to happen after deploying a fixed amount of custom modules, I don’t have the exact number (approximately between 20 and 30).
I have deleted some modules and redeployed them without problem, and when deploying a new module the problem occurs again.
It’s not a problem with any module configuration, as I’ve tried with different modules and the problem still occurs.
I suspect the problem is due to some limit configuration that prevents more than a certain amount of custom modules from being deployed.
Has anyone experienced something like this?
Thanks and regards!
Sorry for the mistake, the instance is running on PHP 8.2.11.
I’ll check the permissions but that doesn’t seem to be the problem. Everything works fine until about module number 20 is implemented.
It could be just php configuration limits. Check memory_limit, max_execution_time, upload_max_filesize and post_max_size. Also, you can allocate more CPU & memory for your vagrant.
I have checked and increased the values ​​of those parameters, I also assigned more resources to vagrant, and everything is still the same. I will continue trying and checking the server configuration parameters. If I find the solution I will let you know, and I will be on the lookout in case you think of something else to try.
it seems the server is not picking up the changes in php.ini. I will fix that and try modifying the parameters again. I will report the results.
I have already managed to detect changes in php.ini, I have tried modifying the indicated values ​​and I have not yet been able to deploy a new module. The instance seems to be working correctly, but it is not possible to deploy a new module.
I will report if I have any news.