Issue after Ubuntu apgrde to 22.04.

Hello to all.
I have got a problem after upgrading ubuntu from 20.04 to 22.04.
String in left corner of window

startSession(); $app->execute();

php 8.1 and apache works good.
Mysql also work, and I can connect to DB with account from suitcrm.
SuitCRM version is 7.14.
Anybody have any ideas?

You still have some problem with your PHP installation.

Maybe it’s PHP itself that is not activated within Apache. Maybe it’s some missing PHP module that needs to be installed and activated in php.ini.

New instance work normal and can connect to old database…
It’s mean that php and apache are working correct.

I could not find an option to revive this instance.
I did another VM with clear UBUNTU 22.04 installation and remove suitcrm instance. Old instance are working.

That’s awesome. Did you find the root cause?

Sorry, no, I didn’t it.