Is there any way to customize top menu items in header bar

I am new for SuiteCRM. I have a requirement to modify the top menu in header bar? Any one can give me some guidance on this. Thanks in advance.

My SuiteCRM Version:
Version 7.13.4

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Hi @JoWei and welcome to the community!

In what what would you like to modify the top menu please? If it is simply changing which modules are displayed, this can be done via Admin > Module Settings > Display Modules and Subpanels. Any changes made here will impact all users, but if you only want to change the layout for yourself, you can do so via your own profile on the Layout Options tab, provided you have permission to do so.

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Hi @g.martin . Thanks for your response

Instead of changing the visibility of module, what I want is regroup the menu items in header bar to align with following menu tree:

I have already implemented this by modifying php code of SuiteCRM, but not sure if it is proper way. I prefer configuration stuff to achieve my goal

You can go to Admin->Configure Module Menu Filter and here you can design the menu like the way you want, including top level items and their text.

Thanks, @suitecrm_developer . This is what I want

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