Is there a setup for IMAP accounts?

Hello! Just put in a custom request for this, but wondering if there is an email module out there that allows for IMAP? We prefer our sales people have all correspondence connected to their leads in the CRM, but as it stands now, they can send but there’s no syncing to their email account for replies, etc. This is a current feature on other systems, as they keep telling us, so please if you could let me know where/how you’ve made this work, I’d love to hear :smiley:

The standard SuiteCRM email module has supported IMAP for over a decade.

That’s what I’m hearing, but where do I set the inbound email settings for each user?

This is all in the Docs / User guide. And maybe some parts in the Admin Guide.

I don’t know your SuiteCRM version, which would allow me to provide more specific instructions.

It used to be in each user’s profile

Lately it’s in Admin / Inbound Email

… if I’m not mistaken.

Hey @pgr the documentation is not current for individual emails for imap. It show’s the old method where you go into the users account and add inbound and outbound accounts in the popup (at least the last time I checked). I got tired of explaing this so I made a tutorial. Hope this helps, it covers IMAP setup and SMTP setup for individual users (not Oauth)…