Is SuiteCRM compatible with PHP 7?

We have a test installation of SuiteCRM to see if it will work for our project. When we installed it, we had an earlier version of PHP. We created a pdf template which was working fine. We have now upgraded to PHP 7. After the upgrade, if we try to access the pdf template we receive this error.

“There was an error processing your request, please try again at a later time.”

Our SuiteCRM is:
Version 7.6.3
Sugar Version 6.5.23 (Build 1061)

Do we need to move this to a PHP5 server?

Thanks for the help.

I’m not entirely sure it is PHP 7 compatible. The release notes say it is compatible, but I try to run it under PHP7 and I get an error.

See this post

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Has anyone else had troulbe implement SuiteCRM on PHP 7?

I didn’t do any scientific polling, but my impression from browsing these forums is that most people using PHP 7.0 are doing fine, no problems, but a handful of people are in fact getting problems.

The error you mentioned above is the error shown on the user interface. You’ll probably be able to find a more useful error in the logs (suitecrm.log and php_errors.log). That might help.

Also, check your permissions because there have been a lot of problems with that lately.

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