Is SuiteCRM 7.8 compatible with PHP 7.4 and/or PHP 8.1?

Running on PHP 7.3 now. I didn’t go beyond 7.8.31 on Suite as there’s a lot of hard coded customization and also mainly didn’t want to be forced to go from SuiteR to SuiteP theme. (And we’re planning on doing a re-code from scratch as we just used Suite as a base for essentially prototyping a case management system.)

Anyone know if I’m going to run into major issues running Suite 7.8 going from PHP 7.3 to 7.4 and possibly next year to PHP 8.1?

I didn’t test, but I strongly assume 8.1 will cause bigger issues. You should really consider upgrading Suite, you’re not only missing the support for higher PHP-versions, but a lot of security related patches as well.

Anyone look at this now; I am running 7.13.2 on PHP 8.1. Couple of minor issues, seems to be working just fine (I did not cover 100% of all the flows though)