Is it Possible to Email a Note?

Is there a way to email a note(attachement)? I know you can attach a Document to an email and you can attach a file to an email. Anyone ever add a note to an email? Seems like it should be obvious and I’m missing something.

What I’m working with a client that is a broker. So an opportunity is a deal. I’d like to create a PDF deal sheet from the opportunity, which I know how to do, but trying to figure out an easy way to forward that by email to interested contacts. An email template won’t work, as contacts are the persons the deal pertains to. So I’m not sending the email to the deal “contacts” but other “contacts” who would be 3rd parties interested in subcontracting the deal.

Eh eh this is why I built a new system for templates… everybody always wants one more option. Which is correct, a CRM should be flexible about using related data, that’s its job!

Have you considered a simple copy-paste of the Note content?

Thanks @pgr, yes I considered that, still kind of cumbersome for the user. It’s a loan broker so there are lots of field data related to the deal that need to be sent to lenders. Hmmm. Guess it’s plan B then.

My thought was to do an “on relationship add hook” when the user relates the lender contact setup the hook to automatically send an email to contact added. I think I can do all that with beans and populate an email. I saw a thread about how to trigger SuiteCRM’s in built email system and it looks pretty straight forward.

It seems simple in theory, but I know from experience getting everything exactly right with this approach will be a whole day LOL! I was hoping there was an easier more built in way of doing this.

I tried an email template sent from the Opportunity, but of course there’s no way to choose which related contact the email goes to.

You can also tweak the code producing the email to go look for the appropriate data on the fly.

Yeah, I’m thinking that would be a big stretch for my coding abilities. The user would create the email from the OPP, using the OPP data, and then I’d have to somehow give the user the ability to select which contact the email get’s addressed to from the OPP. If I did it from the Contact, then same issue, I’d have to give the user the ability to select which OPP it applied to. A lender may get sent multiple opportunities.

If selecting-from-a-list is required, you might try using what SuiteCRM already has for that purpose. For example, you could try adding a custom Subpanel action.

→ Opps record → Contacts subpanel → Send email

This new action would be on the right of each row, where you currently find only “Edit” and “Remove”

I’m sure there’s a thread somewhere with code to do that ?

Thanks @pgr, that might be a better way, then the user could send on demand. Thanks for the idea! I think I’d be capable of adding an action to the button. I’ve seen those threads in the past too, they looked pretty straight forward.