Is it possible to chage user rights to read only for his profile?


Is it possible to chage user rights to read only for his profile (user need right only to chage hist password)?


You may want to take a look at Role Management. You can find it at the top of the Admin Panel.
You can set roles for specific users. i.e: You can restrict Some users from deleting records or others from viewing specified modules.

Although, I dont think that is is possible to restrict editing on the User’s Profile. Especially at such a specific level.
You’d only really be able to do this through some fairly in-depth code changes, if at all.

You can make it so certain fields are read-only depending on the User’s Role, which can be assigned in ‘Role Management’
A quick tutorial can be found here:
You may be able to adapt this to fit the user’s profile panels.

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John, thanks. I will try make an Edit View field Read Only based on User Role

How can i make some edit view field read only based on user role, some guide to do this will really be appreciated