Is All Records and repeated runs checked require schedular to be working or cron job running?

Could you please provide correct detail as we are consfused with useing schedular and also cron job.

  1. We have created certain workflow which fires on create on modification of record, which works well without cronjob and schedular working.

  2. We have created another workflow which needs to fires when date field(Meeting date) is away for 2 days from now. We have set “All Records” and “repeated runs” for this workflow. Schedular displays last successfull run date which is 1 year old, it mean schedular is not running and no cron job is set.

could you please guide us whether we need to have cron job running for second ? Please provide reply as sson as possible.


Yes you need the cronjob for any work flow that uses the scheduler, like what 2 specifies however I suggest you turn off repeated runs as then this would give you a notification every time the scheduler runs

Hii, Thanks for your quick reply.

Could you please make sure that workflow will definately work where date field is away from 5 days from today?

We have cron job running previously and schedular was also working properly and had created such workflow at that time but it was not working ?

could you please provide necessary condition for such criteria and also make sure it works (if possible)?

Thanks once Again.

Doing it this way works for me:

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