yesterday i set up my first suitecrm test installation in my life and it worked fine.
today i have changed the hyper-v network adapter from privat to public adapter to share it with the colleges.
The ip adress changed to one of the privat network. Obviously!
Now when i open the browser with the new adress i see the apache infos.
When i change to http://[new_ip_adress]/crm/public/ i see a white screen.
Can somebody list all the files with full path where i have to change the ip-adress please?
THX to all of you
i solved it.
After changing the config files and restart all services nothing happened. It can be, that there was a cache or something.
After a couple of minutes it seams that it worked fine.
For you guys…here is a list of the config files that i have edited:
Suitecrm System:
/var/www/html/crm/public/legacy/config_si.php :28: ‘setup_site_url’ => ‘http://[new-ip-adress]’,
/var/www/html/crm/public/legacy/config.php :260: ‘host_name’ => ‘[new-ip-adress]’,
/var/www/html/crm/public/legacy/config.php :400: ‘site_url’ => ‘http://[new-ip-adress]’,
/etc/apache2/sites-available/crm.conf :4: ServerName [new-ip-adress]
Thx anyway