Invitation emails stopped being sent

hello, we are facing an issue, invitations emails are not being sent anymore to our leads. we send them through the calendar, we didnt have this problem before and outgoing emails are setup correctly because when we sent a test email, we do receive it.

we have tried to create a Gmail account to fix this problem, but its worse the freshly created Gmail account doesnt work at all, its not sending any email (maybe its a security from gmail because i already had this problem with a newly created gmail account)

we need urgent help and appreciate it if u can help us rapidly

thank you

Please help us help you…

hello. I have a shared hosting. and like I said, it was working before. now it does not send any emails to the leads despite the test email sending works

please check my config in the following screenshots

thanks a lot

… to add to @pgr’s comment: please read the link he posted and start by providing the required info, including anything that has happened to your system that (even if not related) could be the cause of your problem (eg: upgrade to new os, webserver, db or php), new module, customisation, etc.
Plus all necessary steps to reproduce the issue.

The images you posted may be part of the info but not sufficient. Furthermore, if I were you I would hide certain information in those images!

i d rather hire someone than spending hours gathering a bunch of useless info that will probably not even help fixing this issue.

if anyone wants to make a few bucks. please contact me, because i dont have time

The craziest thing is that I ve even tested my personal yahoo account and selected Yahoo for the email client, i doubled checked many times the password and when testing email sending, I get '“SMTP ERROR could not authenticate”

im using

port : 465
smtp: SSL

In the latest releases of SuiteCRM there have been lots of modifications to all the parts that send emails so, to receive help, you need to specify:

. your SuiteCRM version
. Operating system
. PHP and database versions

We also need to know if you have modified anything to your installation (like upgraded to a newer version or any customisation or upgraded any of the system components like operating system, PHP, database, changed any parameter, etc…)

Last necessary information to start tackling your issue:
. SuiteCRM log errors (file suitecrm.log found in the root folder under which SuiteCRM is installed) (we need only relevant errors when the email sending fails)
. Web server / PHP error log (the location varies depending on your operating system). Probably your provider lets you see your error logs. If not you need to ask them.

If you don’t provide this information it will be difficult to start helping you. It’s just as if you called a hospital and, over the phone, you said “Bill is ill, please prescribe me the medicines to cure him”. The doctor needs to know a few more things…

I hope you understand this,

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@amariussi is right, something as simple as telling your SuiteCRM version is absolutely essential for me to even start thinking about this.

One thing that stands out from your settings is that you have a very low memory_limit in PHP. Set it to 512MB if possible, or at least 256MB. By the way, I am just guessing here, but the logs would tell you if this is your actual problem.