Downloaded a fresh version of SuiteCRM 7.0.1 on a Linux Server. But as I hit the URL for installing, it threw a 500 Internal Server Error. Don’t know what’s causing the error. Need help for solving it. Thanks.
Hi Sid,
What were the steps you took from downloading the file to uploading it on your Linux Server? Have you set the required permissions?
Hi Will,
Thanks for the quick reply. I downloaded the zip from ‘’, uploaded the zip on my server and extracted the files. That’s it. All the files and folders are 0777 permitted.
PHP version: 5.3.26
MySQL version: 5.5.32
I think the CRM is compatible with these versions. Also, I tried to edit the index file by echoing out some text and exiting it, but it doesn’t reflect.
Hi sid,
Have you tried clearing your browsers cache then going to the directory page and pressing Ctrl+F5?
Yes, done that too. I’ve edited my previous post. Please refer. Thanks.
Hi sid,
Yes, SuiteCRM/SugarCRM supports these versions of PHP/MySQL. Have you checked your server logs? Are there PHP errors? Please confirm php is running correctly by creating a test file and populating it with:
<?php phpinfo(); ?>
Hi Will,
PHP is running too. Nothing in the error log. Just not getting what’s causing the error. Everything seems to be in place.
Hi sid,
Try setting your permissions to the following:
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data .
sudo chmod -R 755 .
sudo chmod -R 775 cache custom modules themes data upload config_override.php
Hi sid,
Which version of Linux are you running and which webserver(Apache/nGinx) are you running?
Hi Will,
I already have 777 permissions on the folders and files. Are you suggesting 755 for the files and 775 for the folders?
Linux version: 2.6.32
Webserver: Apache
Hi sid,
Yes, please set these permissions and try again. Have you set the correct owner/group for your server(this may be root, or apache in some instances)?
Thank you !! The problem was with the file permissions. Cant make out why 777 wont work and 755 work?? Anyway thanks for your time and help.