integration of Mollie payments in SuiteCRM

I was wondering if there is a way to implement Mollie payments links in SuiteCRM.
My goal would be to connect with the Mollie api to generate payment links for iDeal in our invoicing.

This is the php api information I found
I’m not a programmer but maybe there is somebody that can help me out on this? I think it could be an interesting feauture to add to the functionality of SuiteCRM invoicing.


Yeah that looks interesting, and simple enough to do. I’m not saying I will do it, though :cheer:

Which event in SuiteCRM would trigger the call to that API? Is it like a Lead creation, or a change of status in a Lead, or what? These could easily be implemented as Logic hooks and call that API.

My idea was to insert the payment link in the invoice so when you send the invoice the client has the opportunity to click the link and do the payment directly trough the payment service. In the Netherlands best way to go will be iDeal (cost €0,39).
So the amount of the invoice should go to Mollie to generate a link to appear on the invoice (it would be nice to add the costs of the service automaticly).

When do you pay that transaction cost? When you generate the link, or only when the client actually pays through it?

Because I’m thinking you could have a custom field in Invoices to store the link, and just update it through a logic hook whenever the amount changes. Then it would be easy to include in the email template. But this would create links for every invoice, regardless of it getting sent or not.

You only pay the 0,39 transaction fee for a payment not for the link, this varies depending the payment service you actually use at molly’s
see pricelist here
So in this case it’s actually a good thing to generate a link for every invoice :slight_smile:
I’ve just informed at molly’s: the link won’t expire as long it is paid by the client or inactivated by the account administrator.
So having an automatic generated link on each invoice is just what you want to have your clients pay the invoice in a very fast and secure way.

Ok, so try making that an after_save logic hook on the invoices module, that calls the API and stores the link in a custom field that you create for that purpose.

Should be pretty straight-froward, but it is developer work.

Anyone that could help me out on that? I’m not a developer but I think it could be a nice add on.