Exploring the open source crm route – want to dump our out dated current crm. I’m trying to install on my linux gatorhost vps server. I have WHM root access. I have uploaded all files and start the install process and am over loaded with errors.
I haven’t found any tutorials or walkthroughs for installs on this type of server and don’t fully understand the process outlined below. Can someone offer some assistance? Thanks in advance!
Copying SuiteCRM files to web server
Once your SuiteCRM package has downloaded, you will need to unzip the files and set permissions required for the installation process. The following steps explain in detail the prerequisites to setting up your SuiteCRM files for installation:
Locate the directory on the web server in which the SuiteCRM directory will be located(most commonly the root directory, or within a subdirectory).
Unzip SuiteCRM into the directory selected in Step 1. This creates a “SuiteCRM” directory within your selected parent directory.
At this stage, you may wish to rename the default “SuiteCRM” directory.
Set ownership of the SuiteCRM directory:
chgrp ApacheUser.ApacheGroup -R recursively sets ownership for root directory to Apache user and group.
The system user that your web server uses varies depending on your operating system. Common web server users are as follows:
apache (Linux/Apache)
nobody (Linux/Apache)
IUSR_computerName (Windows/IIS)
If you are unsure how to set your web server user on your operating system, contact your web server host. If you are installing SuiteCRM locally and need assistance, visit our support forums.
Set the following permissions on the SuiteCRM directory(Linux):
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data .
sudo chmod -R 755 .
sudo chmod -R 775 cache custom modules themes data upload config_override.php
The commands/steps taken to setting permissions differs dependant on your operating system. If you are experiencing issues with setting permissions on your SuiteCRM instance, visit our support forums.