Installing SuiteCRM 8.6 on Siteground

Ir’s a shored host, I dont believe I have access to Apache configuration file.

Thank you @chris001

I created /public_html/.htaccess

Note: There is /public_html/public/.htaccess but I didn’t modify this.

This is what I used:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^mysite.tld$ [NC,OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^crm.mysite.tld$ 
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !public/
RewriteRule (.*) /public/$1 [L]

Now I can access the site using https://crm.mysite.tld

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I have SuiteCRM installed and working on Siteground. I find Siteground to be the best hosting provider out there for performance, support AND price (shared hosting).

I think you have misunderstood the setup for Siteground.

If your FQDN is then the path in Siteground to your default landing page is
/home/customer/ . customer is NOT something you change. Siteground actually converts that internally to point to your site.

To install SuiteCRM (by itself) you delete the directory public_html at /home/customer/ , put your SuiteCRM zip file into /home/customer/ , unzip the SuiteCRM zip file and change the name of the unzipped directory to public_html

Set the file permissions using chmod (chown is automatically set for all files by Siteground) to the settings shown in the SuiteCRM guide

Create the database and database user for SuiteCRM using Siteground’s tools set.

Run the SuiteCRM installer per instructions then re-set the permissions and Repair and Rebuild.

The site is now available at

If you wanted to not have the site available at but want instead to require use of , create a directory structure additional subdirectory, then put a subdirectory under public_html as /home/customer/ and adjust the above to suit.

Having Wordpress AND SuiteCRM in the same public_html directory is not a good idea though. I assume you want Wordpress to be publicly available and normally you do NOT want SuiteCRM publicly avaialble. You do NOT need a Wordpress site installed to have SuiteCRM installed. I setup SuiteCRM in its own public_html using either .htaccess authentication or using Siteground’s “Protected Directory” setup and only users with that second-level access can get to SuiteCRM. Your call.