Installing on Linux dedicated server

I have a dedicated server, have loaded the files on my server in its own folder call SuiteCRM, and am now needing to change ownership per instructions. I have figured out how to ssh into my server but now need some simple help please.

I can follow instructions if I know what I am supposed to put in the place of the following command below. I just don’t know what to replace.

This is the command it tells me to run chgrp ApacheUser.ApacheGroup -R

I have all of my info like username, pw and ip address, file folder info…I just don’t know what they are asking me to replace in the above statement. I am using a hostgator dedicated server using WHM cpanel.

After this step they want me to set permissions. I do not know if I am supposed to put any info in the below statement (replace www-data:www-data . with something else?)

Set the following permissions on the SuiteCRM directory(Linux):

sudo chown -R www-data:www-data .
sudo chmod -R 755 .
sudo chmod -R 775 cache custom modules themes data upload config_override.php 

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

To run the commands that you have posted, you have to be on the suitecrm root directory.
say you login to your ssh and it is on your home directory. you can check your current path by command pwd.
Navigate from that location to your SuiteCRM root and run the commands as suggested.

You can start installing SuiteCRM by hitting the URL in browser.

About the ownership - which is, in fact, important. You probably already have a Web server running on your machine. That web server runs under a certain username. You need to find out that username and use that in place of “www-data”.

If you don’t have any other way of finding out, you can simply start a new text file on the root of your SuiteCRM install with this content:

    $usr = posix_getpwuid(posix_geteuid());
    $myuser = $usr['name'];
    echo "$myuser<br><br>";

Save that as phpinfo.php

Now go into your browser and type

You should see the user name right on the top, and then a bunch of other PHP info that might come in handy.

Please clarify this statement “To run the commands that you have posted, you have to be on the suitecrm root directory.”

I created a folder called SuiteCRM and all the files are inside there. The Suite CRM folder is in the public_html directory which I believe is the root directory. I can run the installation command from a web browser but it is giving me an error which I believe is because I have not run the proper ownership and web server info.

Just to be clear, I am running a dedicated server that I setup individual hosting sites on. I created a hosting site for my crm to run on. So when you talk about the www-data part do you mean the username that is associated with the hosting site or the overall dedicated server? I am assuming the hosting site username is what needs to be used.

Also, should I be transferring the files to my web server via ASCII or binary code?

Thanks in advance…I feel like you are getting me closer to making this work.

By SuiteCRM root directory i mean navigate to the Folder where you extracted suitecrm files.
In your case you can so something like “cd /path/to/SuiteCRM/” to reach the crm files.

I would suggest you to Use WinSCP SFTP client as this is more handy and GUI based.

You can navigate to SuiteCRM folder using WinSCP and right click to see Owner Group permissions and change them easily.

I am on a mac so winscp won’t work for me. Any other ideas?

You can use CyberDuck on Mac.

@tafgraphics if you have SSH access you don’t really have to bother with FTP…

Did you see my previous post? Can you do that from your SSH command-line?