Installation will not start

Dear all,

I tried to install SuiteCRM but failed. Hope that you can help me get it running.

That’s how far I got (using Windows):

I installed a wampserver, copied the SuiteCRM download file into the webserver folder and unzipped it there.
Trying to get the installation process starting in the browser the whole thing failed. I can access the localhost directory and it shows me the SuiteCRM folder in there as “Your projects” and I can access the phpMyAdmin. But clicking on SuiteCRM or trying the link localhost/SuiteCRM/install.php all I get is this error message “Apache HTTP Server has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.”

Any ideas how to resolve this issue?

Hi miri,

You will need to access your apache error log to better detail the issue Apache is encountering. You will need to find where it is located. In linux it is /var/log/error.log and for xampp on windows it is xampp\apache\logs\error.log This may be different for WAMP.



I found something like this in apache_error.log:

[Mon Dec 02 13:10:14 2013] [notice] Apache/2.2.21 (Win32) PHP/5.3.9 configured – resuming normal operations
[Mon Dec 02 13:10:14 2013] [notice] Server built: Sep 10 2011 11:34:11
[Mon Dec 02 13:10:14 2013] [notice] Parent: Created child process 3824
[Mon Dec 02 13:10:14 2013] [notice] Child 3824: Child process is running
[Mon Dec 02 13:10:14 2013] [notice] Child 3824: Acquired the start mutex.
[Mon Dec 02 13:10:14 2013] [notice] Child 3824: Starting 64 worker threads.
[Mon Dec 02 13:10:14 2013] [notice] Child 3824: Starting thread to listen on port 80.
[Mon Dec 02 13:10:36 2013] [notice] Parent: child process exited with status 3221225477 – Restarting.

Hi miri,

There doesn’t seem to be any issue there. Have you set the recommended permissions on your SuiteCRM instance? Are you running other items on your web server which are working?



No, currently I have no other items on my web server running. About setting permissions in Windows I am not sure.

Hi miri,

This sounds like it is an issue with your WAMP setup, not SuiteCRM. There are many user guides on setting up WAMP correctly and you should be able to set permissions on Windows by right clicking the folder and going to “Permissions”. Sety the directory to full permissions for now(execute/write/read) etc.



I have done that setting of permissions but still there is no improvement.

Hi miri,

Have you made sure your WAMP environment is set up correctly? Is your Apache server running?



yes. Did a Port 80 test and it seem to work properly.

Hi miri,

Have you extracted the SuiteCRM directory into your localhost so that you can access it by going to localhost/SuiteCRM?



Yes. When I go to localhost I can see the SuiteCRM folder but cannot start the installation when clicking on it - then I get the error message shown above.

Hi miri,

Do you get a white screen? Can you send us a screenshot of your issues?



please see the pics attached.

Hi miri,

Your WAMP seems to be configured correctly. Have you searched the web to see if other users have this error with their WAMP installations? Your versions of PHP/MySQL/Apache are compatible with SuiteCRM so unless there are permissions issues SuiteCRM should install.



Hi miri,

This seems to be a memory limit. You can change your memory limit within WAMP. Try 256/512 and see if this resolves your issue.



I already set the memory limit to 512M. Unfortunately no progress on the issue.

I tried to run it on another machine and there the installation worked fine. will now evaluate the system.