Installation SuiteCRM in new server


Iā€™m trying to install suitecrm in a server Debian.

When I send the form with the database connections, the installation fails and a fatal error is shown in the error.log

Iā€™ve searched but I donā€™t find the folder ā€˜Zend/Searchā€™ and I donā€™t know how to fix it.

Thanks in advance.

Hey. Here is a link to a quick installer. Works great. I used it on mine and up and going easily.

As I said, I have a server with OS Debian and I need to install in this machine.

Iā€™m sorry DODOM2, but I didnā€™t see there are also installers for Linux and OSX in that link.

Itā€™s seems itā€™s going to install MySQL, but Iā€™ve already Apache, MySQL, ā€¦, installed and running other websites.

This sounds like the unzip didnt work correctly if the Zend folder does not exist. I would be inclined to try unpacking the zip again and making sure that these files exist.


[quote=ā€œsedicaā€ post=25544]Hello,

Iā€™m trying to install suitecrm in a server Debian.

When I send the form with the database connections, the installation fails and a fatal error is shown in the error.log


Finally I found the problem is in the virtual host configuration.

Now it works fine.

Thank you all.

My apologies. Just wanted to give you other options if you continued having issues. :slight_smile: Glad you got it resolved