Installation of KReporter - Issues with KREST


I have tried to install KREST and KREPORT without fortune.

In my case I have validated different forums about HTACCESS and made adjustments, permissions in directories, SLIM Framework, and others that normally indicate about these problems, but I still can not get KREST or Kreports to work.

I am working on Linux with php 5.6.40, apache 2.4.38 and with the latest versions of Krest and Kreport published on its website.

I have installed KREST again and now the error is this:
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method Slim \ Http \ Headers :: extract () in /home/…/public_html/suitecrm/KREST/Slim/Environment.php:161

Please, someone who has managed to install it guides me,

Thank you & Regards

KReports and KREST will not work with SuiteCRM. It has been considerably changed for version 4 from previous versions and there is a lack of support provided.