Installation hangs at 2/2

Hi Guys,

Please help:

2017-07-25 11:15:27…installerHook: Could not find custom/install/install_hooks.php
2017-07-25 11:15:30…Begin System Check Process *************
2017-07-25 11:15:30…XML Parsing Support Found
2017-07-25 11:15:30…MBString Support Found
2017-07-25 11:15:30…ZIP Support Found
2017-07-25 11:15:30…/custom directory and subdirectory check passed
2017-07-25 11:15:30…cache directory and subdirectory check passed
2017-07-25 11:15:30…/module directory and subdirectory check passed
2017-07-25 11:15:30…/upload directory check passed
2017-07-25 11:15:30…/zip check passed
2017-07-25 11:15:30…PCRE version check passed
2017-07-25 11:15:30…installerHook: Could not find custom/install/install_hooks.php
2017-07-25 11:15:30…php.ini location found. /opt/alt/php70/etc/php.ini
2017-07-25 11:15:30…Outputting HTML for System check
2017-07-25 11:15:30…No Errors were found *************
2017-07-25 11:15:30…installerHook: Could not find custom/install/install_hooks.php
2017-07-25 11:15:35…installerHook: Could not find custom/install/install_hooks.php
2017-07-25 11:15:57…Begin DB Check Process *************
2017-07-25 11:15:57…testing with mysql:mysqli
2017-07-25 11:15:57…Basic form info is valid, continuing Process.
2017-07-25 11:15:57…Testing user account…
2017-07-25 11:15:57…Connection made using host: localhost, usr: rjrzpomk_root
2017-07-25 11:15:57…SUCCESS:: no errors detected!
2017-07-25 11:15:57…End DB Check Process *************
2017-07-25 11:15:58…installerHook: Could not find custom/install/install_hooks.php

The web gui only shows the progress bar for minutes and does nothing.

Please share your version of OS, Database, Web server, PHP, SuiteCRM.

I don’t think those errors about not finding the logic hooks are relevant (they always appear, even when installation works).

Try increasing your memory_limit and max_execution_time in your php.ini, my guess is that your PHP is simply not being allowed to execute all the process, because it is too slow.

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