Installation hanging on "Create database..."

I have just downloaded the latest version of SuiteCRM, and followed all instructions to install on a shared LAMP server. I’ve created the MySQL database, gave the database name and user to the install script, and run it. I get to , and it hangs. I checked phpMyAdmin before the install starts (empty), and after getting this screen (lots of new tables), so it looks like the script has accessed the database, and created the tables…but it never progresses. It just hangs there. Not sure what to try next. Can anybody provide some ideas?

Thanks in advance.

Check install.log for any detailed error message.

Normally, you don’t create the SuiteCRM database manually, you just let the installer do it. So another suggestion would be to delete the entire database and start over the install.

Thank you so much for your suggestion. I deleted the database, and started the process from the beginning to let it create the database. Here is what showed up in the error log:

[20-Jul-2017 15:51:50 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: Could not connect to the database. Please refer to suitecrm.log for details. in /home/capnetix/public_html/SuiteCRM/include/utils.php:1758
Stack trace:
#0 /home/capnetix/public_html/SuiteCRM/include/database/MysqliManager.php(292): sugar_die(‘Could not conne…’)
#1 /home/capnetix/public_html/SuiteCRM/include/database/DBManagerFactory.php(147): MysqliManager->connect(Array, true)
#2 /home/capnetix/public_html/SuiteCRM/include/utils.php(3288): DBManagerFactory::getInstance()
#3 /home/capnetix/public_html/SuiteCRM/include/utils.php(1755): sugar_cleanup()
#4 /home/capnetix/public_html/SuiteCRM/include/database/DBManager.php(347): sugar_die(‘Database error…’)
#5 /home/capnetix/public_html/SuiteCRM/include/database/DBManager.php(321): DBManager->registerError(’ Query Failed: …’, ’ Query Failed: …’, true)
#6 /home/capnetix/public_html/SuiteCRM/include/database/MysqliManager.php(160): DBManager->checkError(’ Query Failed: …’, true)
#7 /home/capnetix/public_html/SuiteCRM/include/database/ in /home/capnetix/public_html/SuiteCRM/include/utils.php on line 1758

So then I backed everything out and started over again. I created the MySQL database, added my super user to it, and tried again.
Once more it was able to connect to the database, and create tables and such. Here is the log file.

2017-07-20 16:04:04…installerHook: Could not find custom/install/install_hooks.php
2017-07-20 16:04:09…Begin System Check Process *************
2017-07-20 16:04:09…XML Parsing Support Found
2017-07-20 16:04:09…MBString Support Found
2017-07-20 16:04:09…ZIP Support Found
2017-07-20 16:04:09…/custom directory and subdirectory check passed
2017-07-20 16:04:09…cache directory and subdirectory check passed
2017-07-20 16:04:09…/module directory and subdirectory check passed
2017-07-20 16:04:09…/upload directory check passed
2017-07-20 16:04:09…/zip check passed
2017-07-20 16:04:09…PCRE version check passed
2017-07-20 16:04:09…installerHook: Could not find custom/install/install_hooks.php
2017-07-20 16:04:09…php.ini location found. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
2017-07-20 16:04:09…Outputting HTML for System check
2017-07-20 16:04:09…No Errors were found *************
2017-07-20 16:04:09…installerHook: Could not find custom/install/install_hooks.php
2017-07-20 16:04:14…installerHook: Could not find custom/install/install_hooks.php
2017-07-20 16:04:38…Begin DB Check Process *************
2017-07-20 16:04:38…testing with mysql:mysqli
2017-07-20 16:04:38…Basic form info is valid, continuing Process.
2017-07-20 16:04:38…Testing user account…
2017-07-20 16:04:38…Connection made using host: localhost, usr: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxr
2017-07-20 16:04:38…SUCCESS:: no errors detected!
2017-07-20 16:04:38…End DB Check Process *************
2017-07-20 16:04:39…installerHook: Could not find custom/install/install_hooks.php
2017-07-20 16:04:39…calling handleSugarConfig()
2017-07-20 16:04:39…calling handleHtaccess()
2017-07-20 16:04:39…calling handleDbCreateDatabase()
2017-07-20 16:04:39…looping through all the Beans and create their tables
2017-07-20 16:04:39…processing table acl_actions
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating table acl_actions
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating Relationship Meta for ACLAction
2017-07-20 16:04:39…processing table acl_roles
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating table acl_roles
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating Relationship Meta for ACLRole
2017-07-20 16:04:39…processing table relationships
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating table relationships
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating Relationship Meta for Relationship
2017-07-20 16:04:39…processing table leads
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating table leads
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating Relationship Meta for Lead
2017-07-20 16:04:39…processing table cases
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating table cases
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating Relationship Meta for Case
2017-07-20 16:04:39…processing table bugs
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating table bugs
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating Relationship Meta for Bug
2017-07-20 16:04:39…processing table users
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating table users
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating Relationship Meta for User
2017-07-20 16:04:39…processing table campaign_log
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating table campaign_log
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating Relationship Meta for CampaignLog
2017-07-20 16:04:39…processing table project
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating table project
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating Relationship Meta for Project
2017-07-20 16:04:39…processing table project_task
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating table project_task
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating Relationship Meta for ProjectTask
2017-07-20 16:04:39…processing table campaigns
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating table campaigns
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating Relationship Meta for Campaign
2017-07-20 16:04:39…processing table prospect_lists
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating table prospect_lists
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating Relationship Meta for ProspectList
2017-07-20 16:04:39…processing table prospects
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating table prospects
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating Relationship Meta for Prospect
2017-07-20 16:04:39…processing table email_marketing
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating table email_marketing
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating Relationship Meta for EmailMarketing
2017-07-20 16:04:39…processing table campaign_trkrs
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating table campaign_trkrs
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating Relationship Meta for CampaignTracker
2017-07-20 16:04:39…processing table releases
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating table releases
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating Relationship Meta for Release
2017-07-20 16:04:39…processing table emailman
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating table emailman
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating Relationship Meta for EmailMan
2017-07-20 16:04:39…processing table schedulers
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating table schedulers
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating Relationship Meta for Scheduler
2017-07-20 16:04:39…processing table job_queue
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating table job_queue
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating Relationship Meta for SchedulersJob
2017-07-20 16:04:39…processing table contacts
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating table contacts
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating Relationship Meta for Contact
2017-07-20 16:04:39…processing table accounts
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating table accounts
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating Relationship Meta for Account
2017-07-20 16:04:39…processing table opportunities
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating table opportunities
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating Relationship Meta for Opportunity
2017-07-20 16:04:39…processing table email_templates
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating table email_templates
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating Relationship Meta for EmailTemplate
2017-07-20 16:04:39…processing table notes
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating table notes
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating Relationship Meta for Note
2017-07-20 16:04:39…processing table calls
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating table calls
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating Relationship Meta for Call
2017-07-20 16:04:39…processing table emails
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating table emails
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating Relationship Meta for Email
2017-07-20 16:04:39…processing table meetings
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating table meetings
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating Relationship Meta for Meeting
2017-07-20 16:04:39…processing table tasks
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating table tasks
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating Relationship Meta for Task
2017-07-20 16:04:39…processing table users
2017-07-20 16:04:39…processing table users
2017-07-20 16:04:39…processing table currencies
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating table currencies
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating Relationship Meta for Currency
2017-07-20 16:04:39…processing table tracker
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating table tracker
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating Relationship Meta for Tracker
2017-07-20 16:04:39…processing table import_maps
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating table import_maps
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating Relationship Meta for ImportMap
2017-07-20 16:04:39…processing table users_last_import
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating table users_last_import
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating Relationship Meta for UsersLastImport
2017-07-20 16:04:39…processing table config
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating table config
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating Relationship Meta for Administration
2017-07-20 16:04:39…processing table upgrade_history
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating table upgrade_history
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating Relationship Meta for UpgradeHistory
2017-07-20 16:04:39…processing table vcals
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating table vcals
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating Relationship Meta for vCal
2017-07-20 16:04:39…processing table alerts
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating table alerts
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating Relationship Meta for Alert
2017-07-20 16:04:39…processing table roles
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating table roles
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating Relationship Meta for Role
2017-07-20 16:04:39…processing table documents
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating table documents
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating Relationship Meta for Document
2017-07-20 16:04:39…processing table document_revisions
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating table document_revisions
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating Relationship Meta for DocumentRevision
2017-07-20 16:04:39…processing table fields_meta_data
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating table fields_meta_data
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating Relationship Meta for FieldsMetaData
2017-07-20 16:04:39…processing table inbound_email
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating table inbound_email
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating Relationship Meta for InboundEmail
2017-07-20 16:04:39…processing table saved_search
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating table saved_search
2017-07-20 16:04:39…creating Relationship Meta for SavedSearch
2017-07-20 16:04:39…processing table user_preferences
2017-07-20 16:04:40…creating table user_preferences
2017-07-20 16:04:40…creating Relationship Meta for UserPreference
2017-07-20 16:04:40…processing table
2017-07-20 16:04:40…processing table email_addresses
2017-07-20 16:04:40…creating table email_addresses
2017-07-20 16:04:40…creating Relationship Meta for EmailAddress
2017-07-20 16:04:40…processing table emails_text
2017-07-20 16:04:40…creating table emails_text
2017-07-20 16:04:40…creating Relationship Meta for EmailText
2017-07-20 16:04:40…processing table spots
2017-07-20 16:04:40…creating table spots
2017-07-20 16:04:40…creating Relationship Meta for Spots
2017-07-20 16:04:40…processing table aobh_businesshours
2017-07-20 16:04:40…creating table aobh_businesshours
2017-07-20 16:04:40…creating Relationship Meta for AOBH_BusinessHours
2017-07-20 16:04:40…processing table sugarfeed
2017-07-20 16:04:40…creating table sugarfeed
2017-07-20 16:04:40…creating Relationship Meta for SugarFeed
2017-07-20 16:04:40…processing table eapm
2017-07-20 16:04:40…creating table eapm
2017-07-20 16:04:40…creating Relationship Meta for EAPM
2017-07-20 16:04:40…processing table oauth_consumer
2017-07-20 16:04:40…creating table oauth_consumer
2017-07-20 16:04:40…creating Relationship Meta for OAuthKey
2017-07-20 16:04:40…processing table oauth_tokens
2017-07-20 16:04:40…creating table oauth_tokens
2017-07-20 16:04:40…creating Relationship Meta for OAuthToken
2017-07-20 16:04:40…processing table am_projecttemplates
2017-07-20 16:04:40…creating table am_projecttemplates
2017-07-20 16:04:40…creating Relationship Meta for AM_ProjectTemplates
2017-07-20 16:04:40…processing table am_tasktemplates
2017-07-20 16:04:40…creating table am_tasktemplates
2017-07-20 16:04:40…creating Relationship Meta for AM_TaskTemplates
2017-07-20 16:04:40…processing table favorites
2017-07-20 16:04:40…creating table favorites
2017-07-20 16:04:40…creating Relationship Meta for Favorites
2017-07-20 16:04:40…processing table aok_knowledge_base_categories
2017-07-20 16:04:40…creating table aok_knowledge_base_categories
2017-07-20 16:04:40…creating Relationship Meta for AOK_Knowledge_Base_Categories
2017-07-20 16:04:40…processing table aok_knowledgebase
2017-07-20 16:04:40…creating table aok_knowledgebase
2017-07-20 16:04:40…creating Relationship Meta for AOK_KnowledgeBase
2017-07-20 16:04:40…processing table reminders
2017-07-20 16:04:40…creating table reminders
2017-07-20 16:04:40…creating Relationship Meta for Reminder
2017-07-20 16:04:40…processing table reminders_invitees
2017-07-20 16:04:40…creating table reminders_invitees
2017-07-20 16:04:40…creating Relationship Meta for Reminder_Invitee
2017-07-20 16:04:40…processing table fp_events
2017-07-20 16:04:40…creating table fp_events
2017-07-20 16:04:40…creating Relationship Meta for FP_events
2017-07-20 16:04:40…processing table fp_event_locations
2017-07-20 16:04:40…creating table fp_event_locations
2017-07-20 16:04:40…creating Relationship Meta for FP_Event_Locations
2017-07-20 16:04:40…processing table aod_indexevent
2017-07-20 16:04:40…creating table aod_indexevent
2017-07-20 16:04:40…creating Relationship Meta for AOD_IndexEvent
2017-07-20 16:04:40…processing table aod_index
2017-07-20 16:04:40…creating table aod_index
2017-07-20 16:04:40…creating Relationship Meta for AOD_Index
2017-07-20 16:04:40…processing table aop_case_events
2017-07-20 16:04:40…creating table aop_case_events
2017-07-20 16:04:40…creating Relationship Meta for AOP_Case_Events
2017-07-20 16:04:40…processing table aop_case_updates
2017-07-20 16:04:40…creating table aop_case_updates
2017-07-20 16:04:40…creating Relationship Meta for AOP_Case_Updates
2017-07-20 16:04:40…processing table aor_reports
2017-07-20 16:04:40…creating table aor_reports
2017-07-20 16:04:40…creating Relationship Meta for AOR_Report
2017-07-20 16:04:40…processing table aor_fields
2017-07-20 16:04:40…creating table aor_fields
2017-07-20 16:04:40…creating Relationship Meta for AOR_Field
2017-07-20 16:04:40…processing table aor_charts
2017-07-20 16:04:40…creating table aor_charts
2017-07-20 16:04:40…creating Relationship Meta for AOR_Chart
2017-07-20 16:04:40…processing table aor_conditions
2017-07-20 16:04:40…creating table aor_conditions
2017-07-20 16:04:40…creating Relationship Meta for AOR_Condition
2017-07-20 16:04:40…processing table aor_scheduled_reports
2017-07-20 16:04:40…creating table aor_scheduled_reports
2017-07-20 16:04:40…creating Relationship Meta for AOR_Scheduled_Reports
2017-07-20 16:04:40…processing table aos_contracts

What I see on the screen is this:

And now…it stops. Screen freezes, does not proceed.

Suggestions? It looks like the database is all setup, file permissions look good…it just hangs.

Thanks in advance,


Discovered this in the error log:

[20-Jul-2017 16:32:51 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 41943040 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 16384 bytes) in /home/capnetix/public_html/SuiteCRM/include/database/MysqliManager.php on line 135

I upped the PHP memory limit from 40MB to 128MB.

This fixed the problem, and the install went through.

Thank you for your help!

Yes I was going to suggest fixing memory_limit. Also consider increasing max_upload_size (like 8MB, for upgrade packages) and max_execution_time

I’m glad it’s working!


I tried installing suitecrm on my hosting provider and the install script just hangs. I tried installing on my local PC windows workstation using XAMPP and it gives me who lot of warning during database creation and then allows me to continue. When start the local website it crashes out.

Please help. I have attached screen shots of the local installation.


@murugappan it’s always better to start your own thread, what’s the point of posting here when your problem is not even the same?

And you should tell us your versions of SuiteCRM, PHP, etc. (I see from one of the screenshots you’re installing 7.8.5…)

You need to turn off display_errors in your php.ini to get rid of all those messages.


Just for info : sometime “localhost” dont work, use “”


Watch out, there was an Issue a while back in GitHub that mentioned using instead of localhost will increase your network times about 10x.

So it’s much preferrable to fix network configurations to make sure localhost is defined.